Good or Bad, whatever you do will come back in one form or another; that would explain why the earth is ROUND.

Keep smiling, b’coz life is a beautiful thing
and there’s so much to smile about.

Men are like short rains you cant put hope to them
but u rely to them wen they come close to u

A single dream is more powerful
than a thousand realities.

Life is not finding yourself
life is creating yourself

Enjoy today because there might not be a tomorrow.
Sometimes, there are no next times and no second chances

Trust me! You don’t need any photo editing app to look beautiful,
Just a little Smile is enough

Don’t say we are not right for each other,
the way I see it is ….
we are not right for anyone else.

I wish I had a delete button in my life to
delete some memories and feelings.

A dream you dream alone is only a dream.
A dream you dream together is reality

The problem is not a problem the problem is
what you do when you have the problem