If I have stopped talking to you and missing you,
then understand that you have lost the person
who used to care about you.
Now I have understood that
having a relationship is possible
only when that relationship is real.
हथेली 🙋♂️देख कर बता देते हैं लोग🌑
कीं हथेली देख कर बता देते हैं लोग…
कीं क्या🤔लिखा✍️ हैं तक़दीरों मे💁♂️
इश्क़♥️ मेरा फँसा हैं आज🕛
इश्क़ मेरा फँसा हैं आज…
इस समाज 🌚कि ज़ंजीरो 🖤में 😔
Pagal joker mk
I read our old messages🤪
I laugh🤪
Then i cry🙃
Don’t know why he is angry with me
Even if you meet in dreams, it doesn’t even talk..!!
You know something is wrong, when you can’t remember the last time you were truly happy…
Missing someone who’s passed away is a whole different type of heartache
Stop asking if I’m okay, I’m tired of lying
😢I know I don’t wear a Redbat n I know I don’t wear DH 😭but am I not a person??don’t I deserve to be loved like those who have them??I know I don’t have the expensive things😟yeah I know I am broke😿but the question is don’t I have the same heart as everyone??you might even find that mine is filled with more love than those who wear expensive things😊I don’t have those clothes to travel with because am poor n broke😲so am I not a person???
This question is for poor people like me💔asking those who thinks having fancy things is an achievement
•I drown in tears my heart is crying no one seems to notice that my soul is dying😪💔
Remember when you stayed up till 3am talking to someone? Where are they now?
You should have just slept
from “best friends forever” to “strangers with memories”.
“I’m slowly learning to not waste time on people who fail to see my worth”
she is afraid because the last man who promised her, left.
sometimes i say “bye”
just to hear “don’t go”
;but i received “ok bye”
It’s hard to be just friends with someone you fell in love with
Sometimes, ignoring your pain will fail, That no matter how you try to look okay, deep inside you break down.