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Don’t let time sneak up on you.
Enjoy every moment that you can.

There’s no such thing called
“Men’s conference”

We are going to our real girlfriends😋

No body as a perfect relationship..everybody as his or her own problem…even does that have brakeup…. U girls that are look for perfect guy… U have to wait til Jesus come

When a GIRL👸 ; 👇

° Stops stressing,
° Stops getting jealous,
° Stops Asking Questions,
° Never Message Or Call U First,
° Stop Asking About Your friends (GIRL) & starts saying, “Nah I’m Not Mad, It’s Cool , It’s OK”
° Stops arguing about small stuff,
° Stops worrying about you &
° Stops blowing up your phone….

Carefully read this line Now: JUST KNOW THAT THE LAST “TEAR” HAS

AM I Right Ladies ??

Cheating is old fashioned…
Settle down, support each other,
get money and live a happy life.💞

I went to a restaurant …

All the couples were seated there and no place for me to sit

I took out my mobile, placed near my ear and said loudly –

Bro come fast to this restaurant, she is seating here with someone else.

9 girls stood and ran away ..

you with me, me with you, and God with us”❤

People Love Attention

Why Take a Kia Picanto To The Car Wash
You Can Wash It With Dishes At Home?

That moment when people are busy reacting with haha😂 on your post, then comes an immature person with full of jealous and did this

I remember crying myself to sleep wondering who you were talking to instead of me, wondering why you did me so wrong and thinking of everything that was wrong with me, I would check my phone every 10 minutes hoping to see your name and if it wasnt you, I would get dissappointed and cry some more. You would always come back and leave again, whatever was convenient for you. I didn’t care about anything but you, I saw the good in you and lost myself waiting for you to change. I wouldn’t wish that heartbreaking pain on my worst enemy. I know now that it was never my fault and that you just couldn’t handle my love. I have to remember that everything will be okay and I have my whole life to find someone who wouldn’t even think about hurting me the way you did. I learned alot from you, I see my worth now, I will grow and be the amazing person im supposed to be. I wish nothing but the best for you…….
To someone who’s going through this

Some people won’t love you no matter what you do.
And some people won’t stop loving you
no matter what you do.
Go where the love is!

Guys I think my phone is acting up,
I keep pressing the home button but
when i look around I’m still at work

I asked a friend of mine what he is doing. He told me, he is working on, “Aqua-thermal treatment of ceramics, aluminum and steel under a constrained environment”.
I was impressed! On further asking, I learnt that he was washing dishes with hot water… under his wife’s supervision!

Your Mind Is A Powerful Thing. When You Fill It With Positive Thoughts, Your Life Will Start Change…