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If your love is mad mine to you will be crazy 😂😂

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Guys if you have forgotten your Vaseline don’t panic. We will wait for those Chef in the kitchen to go to sleep then we gonna steal those Olive oil.

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I went to a restaurant.
It was full; no place to sit…
I took out my mobile,
Placed it to my ear and said loudly- “Bro
come fast, she’s here with someone else…
Six women ran away

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They drop their phones in the toliet, put it in their rice container and
then invite you for dinner

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The wife checked her husband’s phone and found these names:

– The tender one
– the amazing one
– Lady of my dreams

The wife got angry and called the first number to find out that was his mother
, and then called the second number his sister replied back . She dialed the third her own phone rang !!!!

She cried until she got her eyes swollen because she doubted her husband, so she gave him her monthly salary to make up for her sin.
Once his mother knew of the story, she sold her jewelery and gave him the money

The husband took the money and bought a gift for his girlfriend whose name was saved as “Abu Khalid The Electrician” …

Men Men Men!!!!!!

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THE PREGNANT DEER – such a beautiful story !
In a forest, a pregnant deer is about to give birth.
She finds a remote grass field near a strong-flowing river.
This seems a safe place.
Suddenly labour pains begin.
At the same moment, dark clouds gather around above & lightning starts a forest fire.
She looks to her left & sees a hunter with his bow extended pointing at her.
To her right, she spots a hungry lion approaching her.
What can the pregnant deer do?
She is in labour!
What will happen?
Will the deer survive?
Will she give birth to a fawn?
Will the fawn survive?
Or will everything be burnt by the forest fire?
Will she perish to the hunters’ arrow?
Will she die a horrible death at the hands of the hungry lion approaching her?
She is constrained by the fire on the one side & the flowing river on the other & boxed in by her natural predators.
What does she do?
She focuses on giving birth to a new life.
The sequence of events that follows are:
– Lightning strikes & blinds the hunter.
– He releases the arrow which zips past the deer & strikes the hungry lion.
– It starts to rain heavily, & the forest fire is slowly doused by the rain.
– The deer gives birth to a healthy fawn.
In our life too, there are moments of choice when we are confronted on αll sides with negative thoughts and possibilities.
Some thoughts are so powerful that they overcome us & overwhelm us.
Maybe we can learn from the deer.
The priority of the deer, in that given moment, was simply to give birth to a baby.
The rest was not in her hands & any action or reaction that changed her focus would have likely resulted in death or disaster.
Ask yourself,
Where is your focus?
Where is your faith and hope?
In the midst of any storm, do keep faith on the Creator always. He will never ever disappoint you. NEVER.
Remember, He neither slumbers nor sleeps…
One of the best I have read….

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TEACHER: Winnie, name one important thing we have today
that we didn’t have ten years ago.

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Tebza :Hello, I would like to order some guns please.
Gunsmith :Some what? (The line is bad)
Tebza :Guns(Getting louder)
Gunsmith :Sorry, I can hardly hear, please repeat
Tebza :(Screaming )GUNS!!! G for Jeep, U for Europe, N for knowledge and S for Eskom, GUNS u stupid fool!!!

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Once you tell south Africa lady
Tht u love her
You already owe her money

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I Think My Loan Shark Wants To Play Baseball With Me
He’s At The Gate Holding A Baseball Bat.

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Love u while we are together and enjoy together to observe what we have around us worldwide.

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If she respond by saying: “I have a boyfriend”…
Keep Trying Bro..✊😎
Faithful Women don’t Reply.

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“Life is not qualified by Fluent English,
Branded Clothes and a Rich Lifestyle.
It is measured by the number of faces
who smile when they hear your name.”

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Height of Coolness: Finishing the paper Coming out of the exam hall,
Having a cold drink And asking a friend:
Dude, which paper was it?

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