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Don’t be angry when your Boyfriend
acting strange and crazy.
Those people used to drive bricks and
act like they were”Real Cars” wena just chill.😁

A successful married life requires falling in love many times,
but always with the same person.

I went for a job interview the other day. They asked me what my greatest weakness was.
I replied, “I tend to ask too many questions, why do you ask?

The worse part about being in a relationship is that
you have to take a bath on weekends also…

When she comes to see u two days in a row😑
But with the same panties

The choices that you make, make the person that you become.☝💛💕
2⃣. Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.💖💟
3⃣. Being Silent isn’t the right thing to do. Own your opinion and let it be heard. That’s being yourself. If people get mad, tough luck for them, at least you were honest. BE A LEADER AND SPEAK YOUR HEART!

The way you start your day can affect your whole day…
Begin it with a smile, calmness of mind, coolness of
emotions and a heart filled with gratitude.
Good Morning

Pathan’s Wife Bought A Beautiful Sweater For Her Husband.

She Sent It To Him By Parcel Along With A Note…

That Said: “The Buttons Of The Sweater Are Removed Since They Were Too Heavy & Added To The Postage. U’ll Find ‘Em In The Right Hand Pocket Of The Sweater“

I’ve got a couple of goldfish as pets. I call them one and two.
That way if one dies I’ve still got two

A guy sat quietly in a bar very much
preoccupied about what his life will be from
his work.
All of a sudden, the city’s most notorious
bouncer kicked him off his chair onto the
floor and said to him, “that’s Karate for you,
Made in Japan.”
Knowing that he didn’t stand a chance with
him, he quietly woke up and went to sit
back at the his chair.
A while later, the bouncer came back with a
smack right onto the guy’s face and said
again, “that’s KUNG FU, made in China.”
A not so long, the bouncer kicked him again
and said, “That’s Taekwondo, made in
Thereafter, he walked to the bartender
ordered his beer and started drinking.
Infuriated, the guy went left the bar with
minor bruises.
About ten minutes later, the guy came back
and smacked the sh!!t out of the bouncer
knocking him out instantly.
Just then, he looked at the barman and said,
“when that bastard wakes up, tell him that
was a shovel(Foxolo), made in New York!”…

Long time ago there lived a great king and two beggars who always stood at the gate of his palace everyday.

As the king rode by everyday, the 1st beggar would say ‘blessed is he whom the king helps’ while the 2nd beggar would say ‘blessed is he whom God helps’.

The king always felt pleased to hear the praise of the 1st beggar.

One evening the king decided to reward the 1st beggar for all the praise; he ordered his baker to bake a cake and wrapped gold inside the cake.

The next day as he rode by, he gave the cake to the 1st beggar as he hailed him as usual.

The 1st beggar who was in dire need of cash sold the cake to the 2nd beggar at a cheap price.

When the 2nd beggar cut open the cake he saw the gold, sold them and became a wealthy man.

He did not return back to the kings gate the next day.

As the king rode out of his palace the next day, he saw the 1st beggar still begging for money and stopped to ask him if he ate the cake he gave him.

The 1st beggar replied and said no sir, I sold it to my friend who was here with me yesterday; I have not seen him today.

The king shook his head highly disappointed and confessed silently to himself that

” Indeed Blessed is he Who God helps”

Our God is the all knowing God, HE has not forgotten you. God always does His work just in time.

Be blessed and Trust God even when you don’t understand His WILL. Someday your blessings shall be in abundance.

If a pregnant woman give birth to two babies, the first one comes out at 11:58pm 31st December 2018, and the second baby comes out at 12.05am of 1st January 2019. QUESTION:1. Are they twins? 2.. Are they age mates?3. Which year will they claim? 4 In which month will they celebrate their birthday? Am not understanding..

Life is so beautiful, don’t just hustle –
Take a coffee break and think of
what exceptional moment so far you have for now –
Good Morning Friends.

An engineer in a car manufacturing company designed a world class car. The owner was impressed with the outcome and showered him with praises.
While trying to take the car from the manufacturing area to the front office, they realised that the car is few inches taller than the entrance.
The engineer felt bad that he didn’t put that into consideration before creating the car.
The owner was at loss on how to take the car out of the manufacturing area.
The painter suggested they force out the car and then repaint the few scratches this will cause to the top of the car.
The engineer suggested that they break the entrance and after taking the car out, they can renovate it.
The owner was not convinced with any of the ideas. He felt that it is not good enough to break or scratch.
The watchman, who has watching all the drama, slowly approached the owner. He wanted to give an idea if they have no problem taking it.
They thought what is it that this guy have to say that the experts have not said. They allowed him, nonetheless.
The watchman said that the car is only few inches taller than the entrance so if they let out some air from the tyre, the height of the car will reduce and can be easily taken out.
Everyone there was surprised and clapped in appreciation of his ingenuity.
Don’t approach problems only from the expert point of view. There is always a layman point that may provide needed solution.
Everyone around your life has a key role in your life.