Be yourself because an original
is worth more than a copy.

I’m not going to feel sorry for myself anymore.
If you were stupid enough to walk away,
I’ll be smart enough to let you go.

Once the leaves fall
They know
There’s no going back

Yet they fall

Don’t ask me questions like I’m on police station

You cant face the problem
if your problem is your face

I usaully give people more chances than they deserve .. But once I am done .. I’m done.

I’m born to express, not to impress.

The height of your bounce back is determined by
how hard you are thrown down

Remember to step out of your comfort zone
and achieve great things
because you are worth it.

I want to refresh my mind, forget all my problems and just have fun with life.

Everything in your life is a reflection
of a choice you have made.
If you want a different result
make a different choice

Life is good to me
i don’t see the haters

How Good Are You In Maths?
Solve If u r a Genious!

It’s okay to not be okay, but please don’t let it overtake you. It’s okay to be sad for a while, but please don’t let it break you. You are stronger than the hurt. Please.

Don’t be slave to your emotion.
Control them.