God please remove anybody (from my life)
lying to me ,
using me , speaking foul on me
behind my back
but pretending to love me in my face. #Amen

You cant face the problem
if your problem is your face

“WE RIDE, To fly
To feel
To touch
To breath
To laugh
To soar
To overcome
To relax
To prove them wrong
To belong
To feel strong

Today I am what I am Because of my yesterday’s choices.
And where I shall be tomorrow Will be decided today.

When u Take a decision to Stay away
from a person ,
Take a decision also to not look to Him .

People will see you’ve changed toward them,
but won’t see how their actions have made you change.

Am gonna ignore you so hard that
you doubt your own existence

Life is about laughing & living,
in good & bad times.
Getting through whatever comes our way
looking back & smiling.

Giving up doesn’t mean you are weak.
It means you are strong enough to
accept the fact that you deserve
more than just begging someone to stay

I am not the kind of a person who tries to be cool or trendy.
Im definetely an individual…

Life goes on.
Don’t waste it for someone who left you behind.
Enjoy your life for someone better will come

The height of your bounce back is determined by
how hard you are thrown down

If anyone can have it,
I don’t want it