~Don’t ever be afraid to show who you really are,
because as long as you’re happy with yourself,
no one else’s opinion matters .. ‘

Life goes on.
Don’t waste it for someone who left you behind.
Enjoy your life for someone better will come

If you can actually count your money,
then you’re not a rich man.

It does not about the number of likes, it’s just about the sincerity that you being posted whatever you looks like.

If you live your life with the regrets of yesterday,
and the worries of tomorrow,
you will have no today to be thankful for!

Carry a Winning Attitude because~ Attitude defines you!!! Attitude is everything…. !!!!!
“I will win~Not Immediately~But Definitely”

I think my biggest problem is
that I love being alone
but I hate being lonely…

You cant face the problem
if your problem is your face

Life is about laughing & living,
in good & bad times.
Getting through whatever comes our way
looking back & smiling.

I don’t need to manage my anger,
people need to manage their stupidity.

When your plan doesn’t work,
don’t take too much time to think about it.
Make another plan.

My dark days made me
strong. Or maybe I was
already strong, and they
made me prove it

It’s okay to not be okay, but please don’t let it overtake you. It’s okay to be sad for a while, but please don’t let it break you. You are stronger than the hurt. Please.