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Uve umalume wakho ethi ngakubona uba uzabalixoki, uthanda iindaba usancanca ibele, besithi xasihleba uliyeke umamele 🤣🤣🤣

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Wandala usisi we polo sendi download nengoma esizoyidlala emotweni yakhe

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Ma 80s yekani ujaiva kakhulu bona ngomntu Seka gobe ixesha elide kanti ubuyisela ibele liphume kwi bra.

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Banenyana ba ga madiba ntwela ke pan gel not pain gel

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No man ladies, what did y’all think would happen after afaka intloko?
Why do y’all fall for that?
I’m genuinely interested

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Waya waya going to know ya funda gr8 the one that is a reece Calabasas to be patient ntuana wea? I will call you in Harry, m sleepy. Yea. I number of the way I miss my luscious the fact n.a. the one

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Ngubani owathi xa kukhala ifowuni ecaweni phuma ugobile

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Father: lebo upasile?
Lebo: yes dad
Father : zonke learning areas?
Lebo : yes dad ngaphandle kwe English
Father : ye marn usisiphuku phuku owphi umhlobo ndikuthengele Calculator unyaka usaqala uzothi awyipasanga

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Uthengela umntanakho iskuta uthi aphushwe umntana kaban???

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I once had a Xhosa friend we used to chat day and night, she said she is studying law. Then one time she disappeared for 2 weeks, so I thought she was busy with her studies but I wasn’t sure. She logged in again then I said to her “hey friend where have u been I miss your company” she replied by saying “hayi tshi mna andina company wethu I’m studying” 🤣🤣🤣

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