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After the funeral
White :Eishh it so sad 😔 😔
Black:Wena uyifumene njani inyama yenkukhu?

Izolo emva kokusukumiswa kukaGumede nenkondlo emngcwabeni, wezwakala ethi,
” Kufa wingq… !!!
Akazange ayiqede kwayileyo nkondlo yakhe wahlaliswa phanzi.

Waya waya going to know ya funda gr8 the one that is a reece Calabasas to be patient ntuana wea? I will call you in Harry, m sleepy. Yea. I number of the way I miss my luscious the fact n.a. the one

Her: bbe Am Pregnent’
Him: Usushintshe Igama?
Her: Aybo Am Pregnent Serious!
Him: Hah Nesbongo Fut

A xhosa guy carrying a bag of snakes was travelling with a Sotho guy,
they came across a river and the Sotho guy helped the xhosa guy cross one,
the Xhosa said”Enkosi ndiya bulela,
“the Sotho guy Said”O di bulele fela,o tlo nyela!!

Kunesangoma esithe kunebhodlela eligqitshwe
ekhaya egceken ngithe akaliyeke sizoliphuza ngo December!!

Emveni kweminyaka emihlanu uLizo eswelekelwe nguTATA wakhe.uthe Xa engena ekhayenilakhe wava ilizwi landoda eRoomin kaNina

LIZO: heh Mama uvukile utata NGOKU(watsho etyhala ucango leRoom),tyhini bra wawgqiba ungandfun kangaka etywaleni Kanti nguwe lo utyu mama😂

Akekho umntu oweza nomhla ngyeza ngzobhosha kini egceken🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

“umntu udlala ngento anayo mtshana”🤨

Kutsho uMalume ndimbhaqe eskoma😀

Father: lebo upasile?
Lebo: yes dad
Father : zonke learning areas?
Lebo : yes dad ngaphandle kwe English
Father : ye marn usisiphuku phuku owphi umhlobo ndikuthengele Calculator unyaka usaqala uzothi awyipasanga

Whites: how was your date with her????

Blacks: Umdlile??
😂😂😂blacks always have dirty mind

Teacher: sipho ubani u 24 -12 ??
Sipho: ey angazi yaz🙄🤔..
Teacher: okay ..mawuphuza obeer abaw 12 kulaba abawu 24 akade bekhona kusala abangaki ?
Sipho: Weeh angaz ngampela ke ngalapho ngisuke sengidakwe ngifa 😀😀😀