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Oke Ubuze intomb Yakho Ukuth “Bbe Why uhlezi ugqoke ibh’lukwe”
Yazii Ifihleni?
Ifihle Ukhwekhwe

When you’re Starring at a Group of Girls
then the Ugly one Blows you a Kiss….
Haibo Msoooooonu awuzibambe.

Nothing defeats a man, than playing spin
the bottle then the girl
you must kiss says “Ayi spinani futhi”

Entlerk girls why nis’tshela man’phethwe ama’
Period pain bt masen’pholile anis’tsheli Why??

Some girls are good at editing pictures…
yaz ama’Pumps aze afane ne’Vans

When uu jst told Bae dat “mina nawe sizofa silahlane”
then uu start coughing nn feel headache

Indoda engela mali uyibona ngokuzamula iphume inyembezi.

Did you know that in every WhatsApp group there are these characters


I. Amawuwu🐞🐞🐞🐞- laba ngababhowa ukubabona be-typer.

2. Impukane 🐜🐜🐜🐜- Balomsindo,abathuli….,ubingelela njalonje,morning morning. …

3. Impethu🐛🐛🐛🐛- ungambona etyper, wobakwazi yi nonsense yodwa ebhalwayo,uhlalengotshingayo-normally sends boring chats without respondents.

4. Ofudu🐢🐢🐢- laba yibo abahlekiswa yi-joke yayizolo ekuseni, yilaba abafowada indaba zelast week or last year ebesethi nginikani izando zami.

5. Ingulube🐖🐖🐖- laba ke yibo o-‘kikikikiki’ akula abakubhalayo okulengqondo.

6. Amagundwane🐀🐀🐀🐁- laba ngabangafuni ukuthi abanye bechaze umphakathi wegroup,uyahlohlela eyakhe ijoke eyakho ingakahlekwa.

7. Omalandelela🐾🐾- laba ngabamelela ukuthi abanye beqale becommente then labo sebelandela khonapho-Yibo oAmen🙏

8.Amaxoxo🐸🐸🐸- laba bayabhowa, baposta kanye ngenyanga.Ulast seen wabo ngowelast month.

9. Impankwa 🦎🦎- laba ngabakhatheleyo nje-2 minutes sephumile egrupini,2minutes later secela ukubiselwa.

10. Ubunyonyo🐜🐜🐜- laba ngama P.H.D (Permanent Home Dweller)bahlala besegrupini.Always on line, akula okubakhuthayo and akula abanga-commenti ngakho.

11. Izipoki👻- laba benza ingani abakho vele, okwabo yikubala kuphela okupostwe ngabanye,abayenzi even u’kikikikiki’ .Babona igroup njengeLibrary.

12. Ama bhoza 🤴🏾👸🏽👨🏽👨🏽👨🏽‍💻👩🏽👩🏽👩🏽‍💻ngama group administrators bahlezi beqaphele sonke isimo kuma groups 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🙏🏽

Ngabe wena ume kuphi lapho

Umudle umuntu aze
ak’tshele nokuthi imali yakubo
ihlala kuphi

Spoil ur man mtaka Ma, uke um’vakashele
uthwele 24 ye’Hansa ekhanda

It’s 2018 and Scientists still haven’t
discovered a way to respond to…
“Wena ungenaphi”??

Some Girls think BIO stands for
B – Bhala
I – Indoda
O – Onayo

When relationship is in ICU….
Her: Morning baby, ulale njani?
Me: Ngazelephi mina beng’lele nam
angbonanga nex

OMastanda bahlala besidla iMince meat and mina iVorosi yami ilahleka nsukuzonke efridgin.
So they think I am stupid.