Reporto e kae we na:
Ngwana:ngkile wa ngkutlwa kere pay slip e kae,weena
Reporto e kae we na:
Ngwana:ngkile wa ngkutlwa kere pay slip e kae,weena
Kgopela go botsisha
Lion of Judah ya Loma?
Dating a chick from Mamelodi
…. ai…
Whatsapp convo…
Boy: Hey Baby
Girl: Sho Captain Bae
Boy: How are you
Girl: Mxaaa ke monate Ledlozi, wena o grand mthakathi????
Boy: ke shapo, I wanted to tell you that you are beautiful
Girl: Shuuuu dankie bathong master bae, oraore kao charmer??? Oraore ke Mrs Canada yeh??? Tjoo wa thoma le gong feelisa funky, nkare nka bina bula masepao
Boy: Uhmmm I Love You Ne
Girl: Ah byanong o lover ke nna saaaan, ong shaya ding dong. Touchline ya Love fountain e tswere ke rena bjanong.
Boy: Got to go we will chat later ne
Girl: Sure Sure King Kunta, le nna ke nyako tsipa nyana boroko, same time same place ka bo 6 gona mo.. nna somar ke sona style se ka subella…… wololo!!!!!!
Gore Ultramel Ena Le Spili Ka Gare Re Bona Kaga Ba Maake
Lona ba di musk tsa traditional le nagana gore corona etlile lenyalong neg
Tswa founung ya Girlfriend ! Tswaha !
Otseba mang moo ?
Mosadi o apeyela monna wa gage ditshila and nyatsi e isiwa restaurant o utlwe mme a re lunch is on me daddy
Lena Mon Korr Lege Nkare Ake Tsoge Botse Letlo React Kago Tshega…
Coz ke botxisa botse gorr Chips E Winne lea Tshega😕
Kao rata” gase lefoko lao Raloka people
😢 oska botsa motho wa mo rata o nyaka go Jana le ena fela.. At least use another words oskare wamo rata knowing very well o batla go monyoba ebe otswa mo yena… A re respect di feelings tsa batho ba bangwe ga go monate go hurtiwa wa tseba lwena but still o hurta ba bangwe
😖.. Kante le dire byang people? Nna kao botsa neh ere Wang rata kante o dlala kanna
🙍… People a re tlhomphaneng assemblief
Please call Pampiri ele papago a go direla call back ale ka toilet
Nagana fela ka baby ai one o thabile jwale bai 2,3 or 4 ke lethabo le lekae fela…
O Bone Thabang A Bolelela Fase Ko Makuleng,
Kante O Tlile Go Rekisa Katse
Basadi Bago Apara Size 3,4 And 5 Ya 👠 Ba Rata Di Married Man💏 Ba Thubela Batho Ma Lapa🏠
Dear Zulus
Pedi is a Number
Sepedi is a Language
Mopedi Ke Motho
Umpedi Ke Mmao😒
Ke Nale Anger, Nka Fitlha Ko Lenyalong Ka Raga Cake Ka Txwa🙆
“Ya “Ra Dumela Gore O Botse And Kudu Mara Why Banna Bago Chabela?