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Respect the Old when you are Young.
Help the Weak when you are Strong.
Confess you fault when you are Wrong.
Because one day you will be Old, Weak and Wrong..

When yU aRe Wrong,
When yU aRe Right,

In mY Childhood. I Used tO shARe everything
witH mY friENd…
but aS I gROw OLd I rEaliSe sEcrEt Life iS a
haPPY Life

please don’t push yourself too hard-
little steps are just as great as big ones.

If we do not plant Seeds in the Land, it automatically fills the Land with Unwanted Grass.
Similarly if we do not fill Positive notes in our Mind, automatically Negative Thoughts will crop up.
Always think Positive.

Thank you Lord for another beautiful day.
For opening up my eyes & ears,
to see & hear the goodness You’ve left here for us.
Teach me more

To attract better, you have to become better.
You can’t do the same things and expect change.
Transform your mindset. Upgrade your habits.

Worth Reading:
We do not remember days, we remember moments. Today is the tomorrow you were thinking about yesterday. Are you enjoying your today. If not, then better start doing so, because life is lived in the present – Never in the past and certainly not in the future. Slow down, Relax & experience the present…

In this world people may throw stones
in the path of your success,
it depends on you …..
What you make from them ……
a wall or a bridge.

The reason that seesaw has 2 seats is because that way…
there is always someone to
bring you up when u go down .

You have enemies? Good.
That means you’ve stood up for something,
sometime in your life. -Churchill

It doesn’t mAttEr iF yU Win bY aN iNCh oR a miLE.
Winning iS Winning

Life is all about making choices. Always do your best to make the right ones, and always do your best to learn from the wrong ones.