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No amount of make up can cover an ugly heart,
rude attitude, miserable behavior or distasteful personality.!!

I like using the same time
and I will never be a great day to be a long way
to get my hair and makeup done for the rest are just so you.

One with God, has Majority.

Mother can take place of all others
but no one take her place:-(

I wish I could read your mind to know
what you really think of me..

Silence is the language of God,
all else is poor translation

Don’t Waste Your Life Trying To Impress Other People.
Do, What You Love… Love What You Do!!

The world is full with monsters with
pretty innocent faces

*If Only guys can handle girls hearts the way they handle bet tickets, Relationships would be better.*.

Always believe in God, because there are some questions
that even Google can’t answer

Waste your money and you have only wasted money.
Waste your time and you have lost part of your life.