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“Health doesn’t ALWAYS come from medicine.
Most of the time it comes from peace of mind,
peace of heart and peace of soul.
Laugh more and love more.
It’s good for your health.”

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Life is about moving on, accepting changes and
looking forward to what makes you stronger
and more complete

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Happiness is not a choice, satisfaction is. Happiness is something that happens to you when you’re not seeking it. Just like love. It hits you like a wave in the most unexpected moments. Satisfaction is being happy with whatever you have even if it’s not exactly what you want now. Satisfaction is peaceful.

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Live without pretending ,
Love without depending,
Listen without defending,
speak without offending .

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A happy marriage is the union of two good forgivers .

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If it’s destroying you then
it isn’t love, my dear.

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You cannot pray for an A on a test & study for a B. You cannot pray for a faithful relationship & still live an unfaithful life. Moral of the story is you cannot pray for something & act less. Don’t question my God on his abilities when your actions don’t match your prayers.”

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Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish,
but you only spend it once.
So spend it Right.

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We often want it so badly that we ruin it
before it begins.
Overthinking. Imagining. Expecting. Worrying. Doubting.
Just let it naturally evolve.
Relax nighty sweet dreams

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I have always thought that Noah was safe inside the Ark because he built it according to God’s specifications. I thought that perhaps it was the strength of the gopher wood and the soundness of the architecture that ensured that the waters of the flood would not come into the Ark.

But today I encountered a verse that shifted this whole paradigm. Let’s read what Gen 7:16 says ..” The animals going in were male and female of every living thing as God had commanded Noah..AND THE LORD SHUT HIM IN….

Don’t miss this…. even after Noah had built the Ark, it was God Himself who shut him in, in order to shut out the waters of the flood… In other translations this verse says “The Lord sealed them inside.”

May the Almighty God seal us inside His Ark of protection through this last quarter of 2017.

It is not the fact that you have locked your house that keeps you safe at night,

It is not your good driving skills that keeps you safe on the road, neither it’s your healthy eating habits that keeps you healthy – only God can shut you in and shut out the devil that is seeking to devour you.

Father we pray that in this last quarter of this year and beyond, as we walk into the streets and as we drive on the roads,…….Oh God shut us in. In Jesus Name!

Father we pray for our children that in the midst of dangers and molesters… You will shut them in, in Jesus Name,

Father, keep out the flood waters of abuse, rape, murder, accidents, diseases and untimely death… in Jesus Christ Name.

Oh God shut us in, shut us in your Ark of protection , into your Ark of compassion.. in Jesus Name!


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A thousand disappointments in the past
cannot equal the power of one positive action right now.
Go ahead & go for it

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Keep the smile, leave the tension,
feel the joy, forget the worry,
hold the peace, leave the pain,
and always be happy.

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Anger is an emotion that makes your mouth act quicker than your brain.
Take a deep breath and think before you speak

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Don’t spend today worrying why yesterday was bad.
Spend it planning on how to make tomorrow better

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I used to be so afraid of losing ppl, until i realized most of them were never really down for me in the first place. Even tho my loyalty & love for them ran deep, they could careless. So instead of being afraid of losing them, i fell back & watched them lose me… Wow, growth

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