Dear boys, what is the point of
giving a fake hope? Sincerely, Girls
What God intended for you goes far beyond anything you can imagine.
Never lose hope and hang on to God’s hand
We are all in the same game but in different levels.
Dealing with the same hell but different devils.
I may not be good for someone but
I’ll be the best for those who deserve me.
There are days when there are no emotions, no thoughts: only pain!.
Stop letting other people define you,
Be yourself and be proud of it.
Mother can take place of all others
but no one take her place:-(
Memories are good but sometimes ,
they can fade ,unless u change the features.
Everyone texts back,
except the person you really want.
I like a happy girl as a long term friend
who likes to travel to my country as my guest.
A true lady doesn’t demand,
she thanks and true man doesn’t promise,
he commit’s.
My life is not good
But I’m always smiling
Always believe in God, because there are some questions
that even Google can’t answer
Being rejected from something good
just means you were being pointed
toward something better.
Age is sn issue of mind over matter
if you don’t mind it doesn’t matter
Black Friday over yea and am tied sore
can’t wait to cook my thanksgiving dinner Tuesday…….