God is truly wise…..
He made sadness so we would know Joy,
pain so we would have Pleasure,
war so we would seek Peace,
hate so we can Love ,
and a Morning so we can face a New day.
Good Morning !!

Respect is the most important element of our personality.
It like an investment,
whatever we give to others,
it will return to us with profit ….
Good morning

Good Morning Compatriots..! ๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ”โ˜•
Never push a loyal person to the point where they no longer give a damn.

Your salary is not a bribe to make you forget your dreams. Your salary can help you fund your dreams. Use it wisely.
Good Morning

In the middle of an argument are the
times that most people say some things
that can tear the other person apart.
Because you know your partner, you
are tempted to say things you know that
are very sensitive to them. The only
thing about saying nasty and hurtful
things to your partner during this time
is that it will stick and stay with them.
You can apologize over and over again
but those words will stay in the noddle
of your partner. And even if you break
up, those words will also carry over
with them to their new relationship. You
have self-control over what comes out
of your mouth. Use your self-control
and watch what you say.
Good Morning
Have a Good Day

One of the joys in life is
waking up each day with thoughts that somewhere,
Someone cares enough to send a
warm morning greeting!
Good Morning!!!

1. Know who you are, and be it. Know what you want, and go out and get it.”
2. “If it makes you happy, do it. If it doesn’t, then don’t.”
3. “Smile more, Worry less.
Good Morning

Wake to the calmness of d atmosphere, to the softness of d breeze, to the smoothness of today and to good,protection joy&peace.
Good morning

It’s not what God can do for you
but what you can do for God
Good Morning.

All Birds find shelter during rain. But Eagle avoids rain by flying above the Cloud . Problems are common, but attitude makes the difference!!
Smile ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€
Good Morning
And Happy New Month

3 things you canโ€™t recover in life. The MOMENT after itโ€™s missed, The WORD after itโ€™s said and the TIME after itโ€™s wasted.
Good Morning

The way you start your day can affect your whole dayโ€ฆ
Begin it with a smile,
calmness of mind,
coolness of emotions and a
heart filled with gratitude.
Good Morning

Good morning Guys..
Take a second to remind yourself that you deserve the best

3 things you cant recover in life.
The MOMENT after its missed
The WORD after its said and
the TIME after its wasted.
Good Morning

Bell has no sound till someone rings it. Song has no tune till someone sings it. So never hide your feelings, because it has no value till someone feels it.

Good Morning

“A morning text doesn’t only mean Good morning.
It also means I think about you when I wake up”