Success is not just a measure of how big you can DREAM,
it is also a measure of how much you can DO.
Good morning.

Don’t wake up with the regret of
what you couldn’t accomplish yesterday.
Wake up while thinking about
what you will be able to achieve today.
Good morning.

Respect is the most important element of our personality.
It like an investment,
whatever we give to others,
it will return to us with profit ….
Good morning

The noise of the sea will never disturb the fish from sleeping. Therefore don’t let anything disturb you, stay focused and determined to be on track on whatever you are pursuing in life, turn a deaf ear to every noise that will distract your attention. God will change your story if only you are determined and prayerful. Don’t start your day with broken pieces of yesterday. Everyday is a fresh start. Each day is a new beginning. Every morning we wake up is the first day of our new life. As we all know today will never come again; be a blessing; be a friend; encourage someone; take time to care; and let your words heal not wound someone. And let our soul give thanks to GOD always! A very good morning to u & please take care

When i wake up i just grab my phone
i dont even check if im Alive or not.😏


Respect is the most important element of our personality.
It like an investment,
whatever we give to others,
it will return to us with profit ….
Good morning

Wake up every morning with a smile on your face,
go through the day with your head up
and don’t let words take you down.
Good Morning

Every sunrise gives me a new day to love you.
Good morning sweet heart,
have a wonderful day.

Respect is the most important element of our personality.
It like an investment,
whatever we give to others,
it will return to us with profit ….
Good morning

A simple formula for happy life.
Never try to defeat anyone,
Just try to win everyone,
Don’t laugh at anyone
but laugh with everyone.
Good Morning

“A morning text doesn’t only mean Good morning.
It also means I think about you when I wake up”

On Behalf Of Your Useless Boyfriend😣

Good Morning Babe☺

Have a great day. I Love You

Good morning. Thank you Lord for waking me up today. I’m alive, i’m bless, i’m grateful. Iloveyou. Good Morning

Life is an echo.
What you send out, come back.
What you sow, you reap.
What you give, you get.
What you see in others,
exists in you.
Remember, life is an echo.
It always gets back to you.
Good Morning

Yesterday is for memories
Tomorrow is an imagination
But today is real gift
have a pleasant day.
Good Morning

Always believe
that something wonderful
is going to happen.
Event with all the ups and downs,
Good Morning
Never take a day for granted.
Cherish the little things
and hug the ones love.