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End=effort never dies,
No=next opportunity,
Fail=first attempt in learning.
So, be positive and think positive throughout your life..☺

Never hate something or someone
just because someone else does….

…..And the more I advance in time
the more I lose all my feelings

Cristiano left Real Madrid and you think
your boyfriend wouldn’t leave you

The right person will never
get tired of on you

“When a man wants you in his life,
he puts you there.
You don’t have to compete with anyone for that space.
He, himself will make you the owner of everything.”

One thing I know for sure, is when ever life gives you something it has to take back something in return !
For me I’m confused what do I have to pay for what I got?
Or did the price is already paid?
Did I lost 3 years of my life for the sake of this moment?
Or do I have to pay more?
I’m lost in doubt, I’m damn sure that nothing comes for free !
This past years I don’t feel like I paid for a return, I was only paying for my mistakes and where I put my self into before!
So how am I gonna pay now?
What else do I got left to give?
Maybe this time I’ll pay for the only thing that I got left…

Some come to your life as a blessing;
some to your life as a lesson.
Keep the blessing and learn from the lesson.🤍🍁🐾

Dear Men
If you are suffering from depression, suicidal thoughts, low self-esteem, or any other mental health condition, there is no shame in speaking up. There is no shame in seeking help. Your feelings matter.

It’s okay to not be okay.

All relationships have problems.
It just depends if you two are strong enough to get through them together.

The goal is not to be rich ,
the Goal is to be legend

🧔:Yes Babe
🙎‍♀️: I am home alone 😋
🧔:Don’t worry your ancestors are with you 😏