When you go out
Be proud

Positivity can help you:
Heal yourself.
Find yourself.
Know yourself.
Correct yourself.
Love yourself.
Be yourself.
Respect yourself.

You will be okay. Just like how you managed to
get past the most painful experiences
you’ve been in before,
this one will pass too.
Don’t forget to take care of yourself
while you heal.
I promise you, you will come back stronger
and better than before after this is all over.

I love people who gossip behind my back.
That’s exactly where they belong.
Behind my back.

Remember to step out of your comfort zone
and achieve great things
because you are worth it.

Being alone doesn’t mean you have to be miserable.
In fact, independence is attractive.
It means that you are capable of
taking care of yourself and
not relying on anyone else for validation.

God please remove anybody (from my life)
lying to me ,
using me , speaking foul on me
behind my back
but pretending to love me in my face. #Amen

Carry a Winning Attitude because~ Attitude defines you!!! Attitude is everything…. !!!!!
“I will win~Not Immediately~But Definitely”

Life goes on.
Don’t waste it for someone who left you behind.
Enjoy your life for someone better will come

I don’t have an attitude problem,
I just have a personality
that you can’t handle.

Text me when you miss me and actually wanna talk to me, not just when you’re bored and need someone to entertain you

You can’t change what has already happened,
So don’t waste your time
thinking about it.
Move on, Let Go, And Get Over It. “