If i lose my bestfriend im gonna lose myself💔😭
that idiot is my everthing😣😭
Mention them

A friend Knows your life in and out but still loves you the way you’re…. friendship goals.

My friend is my world.
My friend is my love
My friend is my queen
My friend is one in a million
My friend is my everything

They’re not my friends.
They are my second family.

To my bestfriend,

Thank you for staying since the day we met. Thank you for being my enemy, my sibling, my diary, my pillow and blanket. Thank you for seeing my masked up pain behind these pretentious smiles. Thank you for listening to my midnight rants and dramas. Thank you for staying with me during my silent battles. Thank you for fighting in behalf of me when people tend to stab me behind my back. I hope to still be with you as 2020 enters and for the rest of our lives. I love you.

Psychology says, friendship is not about who you spend the most time with, its about who you have the best time with.

friendship isn’t about who came first,
It’s about who came and never left.

If i send you ugly selfies our friendship is real

*Someone Once Asked Me*
*What Is A Best Friend*
*I Said It Is Somebody*
*Who Can See The Truth*
*And Pain*
*In You*

What would I have done without you my friend
during these tough times.
Here’s to many more years of friendship!
Happy New Year!

Cheers to another year of fantastic friendship!
Happy New Year

the ability to sit down with another person and
talk for hours about anything and everything,
is more attractive to me than anything else