I will not delete you or block you.
I am keeping you there so you will be
able to see how happy I’m without you.

My life is like open book but I am not allowed to anyone to read it!
– Attitude

The height of your bounce back is determined by
how hard you are thrown down

Carry a Winning Attitude because~ Attitude defines you!!! Attitude is everything…. !!!!!
“I will win~Not Immediately~But Definitely”

Positivity can help you:
Heal yourself.
Find yourself.
Know yourself.
Correct yourself.
Love yourself.
Be yourself.
Respect yourself.

I usaully give people more chances than they deserve .. But once I am done .. I’m done.

Everything in your life is a reflection
of a choice you have made.
If you want a different result
make a different choice

If They Told You, They Would Give You 12 million If You Can Kill Yourself.. Would You Do It??

Smile and let everyone know that today you are lot stronger
than you were yesterday.

I’m going to take the past and burn it up,
Lift my head and carry on
‘Cause baby I’m stronger than you’ll ever know.

Once the leaves fall
They know
There’s no going back

Yet they fall

I want to refresh my mind, forget all my problems and just have fun with life.

Don’t ask me questions like I’m on police station

I am not the kind of a person who tries to be cool or trendy.
Im definetely an individual…

Sometimes you have to forgive & forget.
Forgive them for hurting and forget they even exist.

The most positive men
are the most credulous.