That’s not my job. It a job of somebody,
anybody, everybody or nobody, thanks.

Dont know why people always offer me Food.
Do i look Hungry.??

To everyone going through any struggle or pain right now,
keep your head up, and keep on smiling,
you’ll get through it

I wake up and think dreams are real.
I sleep so I don’t have to feel.

Today I am what I am Because of my yesterday’s choices.
And where I shall be tomorrow Will be decided today.

When your plan doesn’t work,
don’t take too much time to think about it.
Make another plan.

The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute,
the man who does not ask is a fool for life.”

Not everyone has to like you.
Not everyone has good taste

Smile and let everyone know that today you are lot stronger
than you were yesterday.

God please remove anybody (from my life)
lying to me ,
using me , speaking foul on me
behind my back
but pretending to love me in my face. #Amen

The most positive men
are the most credulous.

“three things you don’t do:
1.beg for anyone to stay in your life.
2.beg for anyone to talk to you.
3.beg for anyones attention.”

Life is so much better when you stop caring
about what everyone thinks,
and start to actually live for yourself…

Text me when you miss me and actually wanna talk to me, not just when you’re bored and need someone to entertain you