If I delete your number,
you’re basically deleted from my life

We are all in the same game but in different levels.
Dealing with the same hell but different devils.

People are lonely because
they build walls instead of bridges.

Pretty words are not always true and
true words are not always pretty.

Business man/ no application like whatsapp.
“And if you no get money, hide your face.”

I think its time I let go of the past,
live in the present, and look forward to the future.

Do I know you?
Cause you look a lot like my next girlfriend

Nothing is more breaking than
when you try your hardest
and it still is not enough.

Man is at his best when doing what he loves most
and at his worst when doing nothing.

90% of what is considered IMPOSSIBLE” os infact possible.
The other 10% will become possible with the passage of time & technology.

“Sometimes you have to lie.
But to yourself you must always
tell the truth.”
— Louise Fitzhugh