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Umithi and Uhleli nabazali bakho,,,
boom kudlale intengiso yecondom kunomathotholo lool

interview for a security officer position
Interviewer : uyasazi isingesi?
Job seeker : OH, lamasela azabe esuka Engilane?

Ikati yam ine depression,,
akhonto ufuna ukuyenza into eyaziyo kukutya qha

Le team yenu ityiwa njalo,
ngathi sisonka esi brown. Lool

A xhosa guy carrying a bag of snakes was travelling with a Sotho guy,
they came across a river and the Sotho guy helped the xhosa guy cross one,
the Xhosa said”Enkosi ndiya bulela,
“the Sotho guy Said”O di bulele fela,o tlo nyela!!

Xhosa Chicks Be Like
“Baby Uzandithengela Ntoni For iListeriosis
……..Yoooh don’t kill me Ngiyadlala

Was 5 to die today oko ngazalwa ndihlambingane yomntano Dade wethu ngazboninyembezi zehla

Kushushu namhlanje wow .xu kushushu kunzima ngoba langa aliphungulwa yihla jesu saga yindalo asikhali kodwa sililisw kukutsha sisengxakini ngekunjani xabesihlala nye