Be yourself because an original
is worth more than a copy.

You cant face the problem
if your problem is your face

I don’t have a bad handwriting,
I have my own FONT

I am not the kind of a person who tries to be cool or trendy.
Im definetely an individual…

I want to refresh my mind, forget all my problems and just have fun with life.

I usaully give people more chances than they deserve .. But once I am done .. I’m done.

Always kind,polite and lovely.
Never judge anyone by appearance but the characters .
my dignity defines whom I am

I will not delete you or block you.
I am keeping you there so you will be
able to see how happy I’m without you.

December Is More Enjoyable
When You Are Single.

If you can actually count your money,
then you’re not a rich man.

I don’t like to think myself as SPECIAL ,
I like to think myself as limited edition

Sometimes you have to forgive & forget.
Forgive them for hurting and forget they even exist.

The height of your bounce back is determined by
how hard you are thrown down