Healing does’t means the damage never existed.
It means the damage no longer controls our lives .
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Healing does’t means the damage never existed.
It means the damage no longer controls our lives .
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One of the good things about goodbye, is that it means you’re a little closer to a new hello.
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Character is like a tree and Reputation like a shadow.
The shadow is what we keep thinking of but the Tree is Real Thing ~ Abraham Lincoln.
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Little is much when God is in it
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I want to be so successful that one day my mom never has to buy a thing for herself again.
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People are lonely because
they build walls instead of bridges.
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If you are not doing what you love, you are wasting your time….
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One of the most courageous decisions you’ll ever make is to finally let go of what is hurting your heart and soul .
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Women are very gentle and even the slighest of harsh words will definitely hurt her so be sensitive to her feelings
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There is no market for your sorrow in this world,
So never advertise them.”
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“Sometimes you have to lie.
But to yourself you must always
tell the truth.”
— Louise Fitzhugh
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Being rejected from something good
just means you were being pointed
toward something better.
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Do I know you?
Cause you look a lot like my next girlfriend
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True love doesn’t have a happy ending,
because true love never ends.
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The road to success is always under construction
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Kind words are like honey sweet to the soul,
healthy for the body
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