Nakumbuka Chemistry paper 1 kulikuwa na hii swali “State 3 characteristics of bromine” Sasa mimi na ujinga yangu nikaandika characteristics za Bro wa mine😁
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As a country, siyamdinga umuntu onesbindi ozotshela uTira ukuthi seku-right manje. Sesibongile! 😐
Make-up ifuna uyincedise kancane ngobuhle bakho, 👩🏽🦰 ingasali ilwa yodwa ngathi uSamson ebhekene namaFilisti.
Ukuphuzela endlini kuyinkinga, ngithe sengidakiwe ngathi kunkosikazi: “Faka inamba yakho la📱, ngizokufonela kusasa.”
1. CHURCH has 6 letters so does
2. BIBLE has 5 letters so does QURAN.
3. LIFE has 4 letters so does DEAD.
4. HATE has 4 letters, so does LOVE….
5. ENEMIES has 7, so does FRIENDS.
6. LYING has 5, so does TRUTH.
7. HURT has 4, so does HEAL.
8. NEGATIVE has 8, so does POSITIVE.
9. FAILURE has 7, so does SUCCESS.
10. BELOW has 5, but so does ABOVE.
11. CRY has 3 letters so does JOY.
12. ANGER has 5 so does HAPPY.
13. RIGHT has 5 so does WRONG.
14. RICH has 4 so does POOR.
15. FAIL has 4 so does PASS
16. KNOWLEDGE has 9 so does IGNORANCE.
All it takes is for you to make the pefect choice. I decree positivity into yo life, prosperity, wisdom, financial freedom, peace and love. In order to claim this prayer just comment “AMEN”, Like and SHARE with friends.
“Mngani amadoda izinja🐕” lowoMzuzu yena ushaya nga five and ziMluma zonke
Umuntu abe mubi 🐸aqede abemnandi 🍑aybo nayi inyama yangaphakath bo 😋
When your Uncle doesn’t know how to use emojis.
Uncle : Hey mshana uGogo ushonile🍆
I’m starting to think abantu abazithandi Izinto ezimnandi🤔
Usholo ukuthi isex ngyeza kamnandi so🙏
Kukhon’umuntu ongakayenzi Nam?
Ukuphuzela endlini kuyinkinga, ngithe sengidakiwe ngathi kunkosikazi: “Faka inamba yakho la📱, ngizokufonela kusasa.” 😭 😭
Umsindo engiwufice kwaZwane, ugogo wakhona ngathi ushidabe nge-statement sikaSne.
Vele mina ngizithandela iJuba kanye no mqombothi ukuthi ubungadayisi ngo December
UMama wasekhaya ushaywa nge 💳 athukwe nge pin. Siyezwana madoda??
Ifike cousin yakho yakwiSuburbs, kuthiwe nizolala noy’2 e’roomini yakho…uphume kancinci ubuye etsixile, unkqonkqoze, umve esithi “Go away, I wanna be alone” 😟
Owami😔 njalo loyo mama 💔 omthulisa ummbila 🌽 ekhanda 😥 edrobheni 😑 uwubambe wonke qede 😖 ungathengi uthi mncane. 😭 Ey, ngoba nina!
Mhla kushada mina wonke umuntu uyodlula kimi ne-plate achaze ukuthi ungazelaphi. 😑