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Usatsi uhlala phansi Ku relationship
Afike umnikati we stulo πŸ˜€πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ƒ

Ungabo jaja umuntu wesfazane
Uma ehla ezimotweni ezihlukene zamadoda
Mhlampe ungumakhenikha

Sugar mom : hhayi no! Ngimdala phela
Sengikhathele ukudlala

Ben10: Mina angikadeli kusemnandi ukudlala

Scoko siyancinca Lena sbali ibuya embabane
Lapha wena scoko nambhokane
Ngingumfati ngisebenta nalabanye bafati manje
Ngevelentine bangigabatisela lentinto
Labatsengelwe madvodza abo
Leyami indvodza nangiyicela kutsi ingitsengele something for valentine itsi yona
Inemali yokulima emabhontjisi
Manje majalamadzala ngibuta kutsi lendzodza iyangitsandza yini

Mbokane: lalela make indvodza yakho iyakutsandza ngobe lokwe valentine kwelilanga linye kani
Emabhontjisi nitawudla umnyaka wonke
Nale emsebentini uma bakhipha me tipho (gifts)
For valentine ukhiphe lamabhintjisi ( beans)

Uche what kind of embarrassment is this ?

I thought you said you were the G.M of you company

Yes BBY when I said G.m I meant gate man not general mananger

If ur world is spinning around
ur heart is beating fast..
Do u think its love?
Na na na na
it’s called High Blood Pressure.

Man outside phone booth: Excuse me !!
You are holding the phone since 20 mins.
haven’t spoken a word..!!!
Man inside: I’m talking to my wife

Given got caugt on date
on Independance day
Major DD Mabuza: What is this?
Given: major today is freedom day,
so let me do what I want

If she laugh at everything you say
Its because she has fine teeth