LADIES!!! LADIES!!! LADIES!!! Wife: Honey, someone is beeping to your phone Husband: Who is that, would u check for me? Continue Reading..
Good morning all singles…….! The rest will get your good morning from your boyfriends/hubbies or girlfriends/wives. Put more jackets singles Continue Reading..
She tag us and be like I’m sleeping with Mbula and 32 others…. Like really..??? The truth will set you Continue Reading..
Taxi to towm:R50 Redbull:R10 I know u thinking what am thinking
*Nothing in nature lives for itself. Rivers do not drink their own water ; Trees do not eat their own Continue Reading..
Girls who still think a guy with a car has money.. Happy children’s day
Why is someone who borrows money but does not pay it all back like a football player? Because sometimes he Continue Reading..
A mad man saw a brand new 4X4 car parked in front of a house. He said “waow the owner Continue Reading..