There was a small boy called Lesley, None of his classmates liked him because of his stupidity.. One day his mother came to school to check how he was doing.. The teacher told his mother that she has never seen such a dumb kid nd she’s heard enough of him.. The mother was so shocked about the feedback nd decided to withdrew her son from that school nd even leave the town.. 25 years later Les former teacher was diagnosed with an incurable.. disease All Doctors advised her to have a Surgery.. Left with no options the Woman decided to do the operation which was successful.. When she opened her eyes she saw a handsome doctor smiling at her.. she wanted to thank him but could not talk, Her face turned blue!! she raised her hand trying to tell him something nd eventually died.. The Doctor was very shocked trying to understand what went wrong… when he turned around, he saw someone who just unplugged the machine nd put on his charger nd a stuff at that Hospital by the name Lesley….Please don’t tell me you thought the Doctor was Lesley