You text her on 20:00 She respond @ 20:02
What she was doing at 20:01??
Teacher…who is your father’s name? Bundle of joy…Babe Teacher….huu come on! Bundle of joy….that’s how my mom calls him so?
Bare You are not African enough if you never wished your school to be burnt down..
C.L.A.S.S- come late and start sleeping…
We spend lots of money buying clothes but we never realise that the best moments of life are enjoyed without Continue Reading..
A female class teacher was having a problem with a boy in her class in Grade 3. The boy said, Continue Reading..
Village girl:Can I have an ice cream Cashier :Which flavor? Village girl:Sugar flavor
Wives why do yu go after girlfriends/small houses?…….. Go after your husband. *Wives*: its operation restore legacy….. we go after Continue Reading..
She was my crush until she said: “Blessing in discuss”😑 Instead of: “Blessing in these guys”
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