Whites: Pass me that ear buddy. My ears are itchy. Blacks: Nxxx awungiphe usiba lwenkukhu lapho yazi kune ex yami Continue Reading..
Lento yomthembiso engathi ihamba nomona. Why du u propose, uze uthembise ukhiphe ama rings wazi kahle ukuthi u won’t keep Continue Reading..
Ababahle Abantu kuma Social Media weNkosi yami, awubabone ngo inperson
TEACHER: Name any animal that lives in water. KELVIN: Hippopotomas. TEACHER: Tomas your turn. TOMAS: Hippopokelvin. TEACHER: Tomas be normal. Continue Reading..
When you getting beaten up and you hear some idiots shouting “bayekeni bashayane”..
Selokhu ngayeka insangu, sengicabanga izinto ezijulile. What if February usho ukuthi feba unga-worry?