Sooo I decided to finally address this issue khona nizophuma ezindabeni zam….
Okokuqala nje, I’m not hiding my relationship, I don’t think it’s anyone’s business who I decide to date . Plus I need some privacy to protect the well -being of our relationship. It was an “as need to know basis” .
Okwesibili, yes we sent out wedding invitations to family and close friends last week. We’re getting married on December 14th 2020 (14/12/2020) . It happened unexpectedly. This quarantine showed us that we can get through anything .I’m very happy about it and can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with the one that I love
Okokugcina , I stole this post from a friend because I knew you’d read it . Just to remind you to wash your hands regularly, stay at home , drink water and mind your own business!!