Dear Gift Of The Givers, INkosi inibusise ngalo msakazo omuhle kangaka enangipha wona njengoba nanilapha eHuuzville Home For The Aged. Continue Reading..
Teacher to learner TEACHER: Why are you late? BOY: The bus didn’t want to be famous TEACHER: What!!!! BOY: The Continue Reading..
URamaphosa Wenu selokhu aba uPresident akaze aphose Ngisho Eyodwa iRama
Okare Kea Bona BF Yao Ya Di Dreads E Apara Condom Mola Osare Watla Ebe A Bula Engwe Condom A Continue Reading..
Yazi ukuposter ku social media akutsho ukuthi sekumele liphendule ngama comments only. No. You can send even impuphu, inyama, iRice, Continue Reading..