I Village yase Mzola neyase Dandanda zenza umqhudelwano (competition) yokuphuza utshwala, ukuthi abobani omakoya bokuphuza. One week before kuqale icompetion iVillage yaseMzola ithume uNyaa ukuthi ahambe ku Village yase Dandanda ayobuza if they are ready for iCompetion.
uNyaa ma efika khona vele athole kuphuzwa. Bemnikeze u 25litre wotshwala basemakhaya (amasese) uNyaa ashaye u25litre awuqede in 1 hour!!! Bamangale abantu base Dandanda ukuthi ukhona umuntu ophilayo ongaphuza 25 litres yotshwala ayiqede!!!!
Abase Dandanda: (babuza beyethuke kakhulu) “Hayi bo Nyaa, uphuza 25litre wayiqeda! Nawe are you part of iteam yase Mzola esizo compete nayo?”
Nyaa: (ezihlekel) “Cha chaa chaa bafethu, mina ngihluliwe kuma Primary Competition, I could not make it to the competing team”