Interviewer : Tell us more about yourself…..
Nyaa: Aibo buka iC.v yami ndoda anginaso iskhathi sokuchaza..
Interviewer : What do you know about this company?
Nyaa: Angikazi for now and angazi muntu
ndoda awukahle uk’buza imibuzo engasile
awuqale lento engize ngayo la, soxoxa nawe sengingaphakathi.
Interviewer : Why are you interested on
working for this company?
Nyaa : Why niwukhangisile? I’m interested
because you advertised the position habe! nansi imihlola yami bo!
Interviewer : Why should i employ you and
not other candidates?
Nyaa : Angiphendulike leyonto, skip it, that irrelavent question,
yazi wena ungenza islima coz the decision is on you.
Interviewer : What are your strength and weaknesses?
Nyaa : Strength – I work hard
weaknesses – ngiphuma ealry njalo friday
ngeke ningitshele ushidi ke nalangisebenza
khona bayazi nginolaka kabi mase ngomile.
Inteviewer : Describe when you had
disagreement with your colleagues & what you will do?
Nyaa : Ngyashaya phela mina and
angibhedelwa mina i alwys hit my bosses,
ngyas’faka isbhakela endodeni mina!
Interviewer : Why do you want to leave your current job?
Nyaaa : Same as above asizile kuzodlala la.
Interviewer : Ok thanks very much Sir, dont
call us we will call you.
Nyaaa : Akobakuhleke coz ngiyakwazi la
ogibela khona ndoda angihlekike mase ngihamba nezami.
Interviewer : Buya uzoqala kusasa
One word for Nyaa?