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एक लड़का एक लड़की से बहुत प्यार करता था,

लेकिन डर की वजह से कुछ कह नहीं पाता था.

एक दिन उसने निश्चय किया की उस लड़की को मैसेज कर ‘I Love You’ कहेगा.

उसने रात में लड़की के नंबर पर ‘I LoveYou’ लिख कर मैसेज सेंड किया और सो गया.
कुछ देर बाद उसके मोबाईल पर मैसेज टोनबजा.
लेकिन उसने निश्चय किया कि वह मैसेज सुबह उठ कर नहा कर मंदिर होकर आएगा उसके बाद ही पढ़ेगा.
रात भर वह उस लड़की के सपने देखता रहा.
सुबह जल्दी उठ कर नहाया और मंदिर गया.
मंदिर से लौटकर उसने मोबाईल उठाया और मैसेज पढ़ा.
मैसेज में लिखा था

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Guys cela ningboleka jacket yakwa Transnet ekhaya kunomcimbi nge weekend angfun bangthathe kancane

Umunt acele umufakele efrijini lakho ajike azobopha ifindo eliqine kanje..uthi ngizowuvula kanjan plastic!!

“Sicela uDriver weMercedes-Benz AMG C63 azoyisusa ikuWrong Parking Spot”

😏Ngavele ngasukuma ngayozamula Ngaphandle 🤣
awuyazi inhlonipho engiyithole sengibuya

A phone call📞from your BF: “Baby I’m on my way home…And I’m with friends so please put on your wig”..!

Open Debate For Ladies:
Can you allow your friends to sit on your boyfriend’s lap??

If you ask me for money💵 and I say “I will see what I can do💁”.
My brother just move on with your life🚶,
cuz there’s absolutely nothing I can do.

A guy posted a phrase that says, “It stretches like socks”. 😂 😂 😂
Then her ex girlfriend commented, “Do you mean your foreskin ?”

Just when you have thought you have seen them all. 😂 😂 😂
Then you see your boyfriend wearing a lace material Bvd.

Uthume uBf ayekuthenga icold idrink abuye ethi bathi kushoda R1.
Yazi angina mona jolani

Why do people think you gotta heal after a breakup💔,
am not injured…Next one please..!

Your daughters Lord, they put us on WhatsApp statuses that only you and I can see..! ☝

No matter what you do…don’t just have 1 child. Give them siblings. That’s the only family they will have when you are gone, Cousins & Aunts(relatives) won’t be there..!

Some Girls be like: “I can’t date a broke guy” but if you can see their bedrooms, even Responsible Rats🐀🐁 will not live there..!

Many Relationships ended because a guy stopped calling..☝😳
‘Seems some women buy phones to be receiving calls only’..