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Love is one of the best things to have in this world;
it will keep you happy without reason.

Loving you means that I will accept you for who you are,
for everything that you are, love.

The worst feeling that no one knows what happened inside you ..

Ge Le Hlobotxe Di Weave Nkare Ke Rena Banna Bago Bereka Boima.

Loving you is like breathing How can I stop?

If I post a joke and you Lough just know we are in a relationship I can’t be making people girlfriend’s happy here

Abanye abantwana bane-stress se-registration nesemisebenzi, wena une-stress se-Valentine’s Day nendoda engakufuni. 😐

Today a preacher in a public bus started preaching… “Leo nataka kuwasomea barua ya Paulo kwa Warumi”

A drunk man at the back asked him… “Kwa nini utusomee na sisi sio Warumi… Na kwanza nani amekwambia ufungue barua ya wenyewe???”

Only a married woman can handle his husband
when broke

Impela ezulwini ziyabuya kukhona uVelaphii no Sdumo noBhongo
noJesu uhleka kakhulu aze akhohlwe izono zethu..😂

Ubbe wami ngiyasola udayisa ngiyasola udayisa ngezinyoni 🐦🐦ngoba ku4n omunye umjita wabuza ukuthi isesekhonan leyonyoni🤔

Uli khulume i Panty lakho iBoyfriend yakho ingak’boni

uzwe sekathi “Uyasizwa le smell engisizwayo??”

Le nto kaDuduzane Zuma izodlula, nibobuza uKwesta, ubhodla yedwa manje. 😏