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Oye Toilet Ko Mabitleng Ge Oe Txwa O Hwetxe Dikoloi Di Tsamaile Zwapp

Shield gives you 48hrs protection
-Colgate gives you 24hrs lasting freshness
Adding those hours means I’m gonna wash my body after 3days
-Sounds good since it’s winter

After a big accident, John was crying “Oh my word! I have lost my left hand?”
Phiri: Control yourself my friend!
Stop crying! See that man he has lost his head, is he crying?

He is Not Your Man Unless His Mom Calls You
When She Can’t Reach Him….
For Now Keep Calm The Lord is Your Shepherd.

A man’s phone is like a coffin, if you open it,
what’s inside will make you cry none stop.


Journalist: When Did you Start your Career of Mixing?πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

Phiri: At Primary School!😎😎😎

Journalist: Really? So amazing.πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

Phiri: I used to Mix English and Maths in One Exercise Book

Visitors Of Nowadays Are Boring ,
They Leave Without Giving Us Any Money

Akhange Ndithethe Lonto Mna ButywaLa ,
Bendingasoze Ndithethe Lonto Ndi Sober

Do u remember those awkward days at school?πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜„

1.When a bright student tells the invigilator that question 4 has a problem but u already answered itπŸ˜₯

2.When another students asks for a graph paper bt u are finished and didn’t see anywhere it was required πŸ˜₯

3.When the invigilator says skip question 6 we wll fix it later but it was the question u enjoyed the mostπŸ˜€

4.When question 1.5 says use answer of 1.4 to answer this question but you didn’t know the answer of 1.4😲

5.When ppl are using rulers and u are wondering whats going on πŸ€”

6.When u hear ur friends arguing after exams whether the answer was 35.5%or 36% but ur answer was 25000……

Imagine you’re in a taxi, and the taxi driver
starts shouting “‘damn I’m tired of life”
while driving…
What can you say/do??

A girl can be 21 with 3 kids and another can be 18 with three abortions and the community will judge the 21 year old because her decisions are visible

I live in constant fear that someone might kidnap my ex.
she lives alone on St13 room 48 and she just won the lottery

Hey You_!!!Yes You😊
You remember when you were about 8 years old .
You said you won’t drink alcohol and you….