Being a man is tough
Imagine just chilling, being broke in peace then
someone’s daughter starts liking you.
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Being a man is tough
Imagine just chilling, being broke in peace then
someone’s daughter starts liking you.
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It’s Hisense
Not “Hi Sesi”
Bantu ba kwaZulu Natal
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Those Girls Who Are Afraid Of Killing A
Cockroach But Have The Heart To Abort A
Baby. Satan Is Waiting To Rape You In Hell
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She caught me cheating now she says if I
still want her, I must sing the National
Anthem backwards
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Facebook should just Introduce Voice Notes,
We are Losing Some Arguments because we can’t Spell Some Words..!
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When asked the similarities between
Woman 💃🏼
Alcohol 🥃
Shakespeare replied,
They both have the amazing quality of giving Pleasure at night and Headache in the morning
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Y….yesterday was once tomorrow….E..every day is one’s future….S.. so let make today good so we can have a better tomorrow..Y.E.S.
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One of the best things in life is seeing a smile on a persons face and
knowing that you put it there.
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When you look at bae, do you now believe in the saying: “Dreams do come true” or the one that says: “To be happy accept what life gives you”..??
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A meeting at your convenience to discuss your requirements with complete details the class is at least a portion to be in touch.
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Umnangagwa ebeshaya gora 2goals phela sidlala le Zambia izolo
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Wen ever u see a boi chatting and smiling just know DAT
someone’s daughter has fall into his trap
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The world is full of nice people……
If you can’t find one, be one.
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Isang araw habang namamasyal cna juan at pedro ay napadaam cla sa isang bakery
Pedro: Juan tignan mo tong gagawin ko para makita mo na mas magaling ako sau
Juan: cge
kumuha ng 3 pirasong pandesal c Pedro nang hnd man lng napapancn ng tindera. Agad niya itong bnulsa.
Pedro: oh db? Npakagaling ko ni hnd man lng aq npancn ng mtnda?
Juan: wala ka naman pla eh! Mas mgaling ako sau manuod ka
kinausap ni juan ang tindera
juan: ale may ipapakita po akong magic sau bgyan mo lng po ako ng isang pandesal
Ale: cge (bngyan ng ale c juan ng pandesal)
Kinain ni Juan ang pandesal.
Muling humingi c Juan at muling ngbgay ang ale. Kinain ulit ito ni Juan. Muli na namang nanghingi c Juan at knain ulit ito
Ale: nsaAn ang magic sa ginawa mo?
Juan: tingnan nyo po ang bulsa ni Pedro nandoon po ang pandesal na binigay ninyo.
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“Beware of the naked person who offers you clothes!
“When one’s goat get missing, the aroma of a neighbor’s soup get
“The future belongs to the Risk takers, Not the Comfort seekers!”
“A deaf husband and a blind wife are always a happy couple!”
“The first person you think of in the morning, or last person you think of at night, is either the cause of your happiness or your pain!”
“Be careful who you trust! Salt and Sugar are both white!”
“Kindness is like butter, it works best when you spread it around!”
“The walls don’t only have ears, they now see!”
“Sometimes, you have to play the role of a fool to fool the fools who thinks they are fooling you!”
“If you have a mom, there is nowhere you are likely to go where a prayer has not already been!”
“A harsh man tells a woman to stop talking, but a wise man tells her that her mouth is extremely beautiful, when her lips are closed!”
“No matter how long the night, the day is sure to come!”
“A woman’s greatest perfume is the fragrance of her man’s success!”
“A wise person knows that there is something to be learned from
“It requires wisdom to understand wisdom.
The music is nothing, if the audience is deaf”!
“None of us is as smart as all of us. Work together to achieve!!!
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*Time*: *3Hrs 30MINS*
*1.* You are a married man and you have dated somebody’s wife for *two* years, busy spending on her like there is no tomorrow. eventually she drops you and concentrates on her innocent husband. Calculate the percentage of time wasted. *(20 marks)*
*2.* You bought a phone for your friend’s wife and she gave it to her husband. Using trigonometric identities, derive a general formula for this type of love. *(20 marks)*
*3. For Men* You’re dating around 15 ladies and every lady is demanding for a Samsung Galaxy and an iPhone 6s
*(a)* Plot a graph of detoothers against prices of phones. *(15marks)*
*(b)* Use your graph to estimate your future poverty *(5marks)*
*(c)* Plot the percentage shame against volume of apologies to your family members. *(5 Mks)*
*4.* You are whatsapping and face booking other peoples’ wives yet you don’t want to see your wife on social networks. Calculate the Percentage Error in your Thinking Capacity. *(20 marks)*
*5.* You are a *civil servant*, your wife is a petty trader, your combined household income is less than $500. Your daughter who is awaiting A level results is using iPhone 6s and Samsung Galaxy worth $800 each. Calculate the Percentage of your Parental Negligence. *(20 marks)*
*6. *For ladies* You’re a married woman and you have dated 20 guys with hard labour, use the law of diminishing returns to calculate the substance that will be left for your husband to enjoy. *(20 marks)*
*7.* You can’t give your wife $2for sitshebo, but you spend over $20 in bars and restaurant.
Calculate the radius of your ‘stupidity’, take π=3.142 *(20 marks)*
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