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You’re the only person I want to fall asleep next to.

We all deserve someone who at the end of the days says: “I missed you so much today”.

Today Ngibone Inja 🐕 Ishayiswe Imoto 🚗 Ngasho Ngenhliziyo Ngathi “Ya Neh Siyaphela Singamadoda” 🙆🏽‍♂️

Me: I have a problem of forgetting things within 3 seconds
Doctor: when did the problem start
Me: which problem ?

What is the first sign of getting old ??
*Grey Hair….*
*Loss of Memory….*
*Wrinkles in Face….*
*Doctors Prescription and Medicines….*
No, no, no!!!
Then what!!!!!??????
_*When Your Wife Stops Suspecting You*_.!😀😀😀😀

ushawai kula kitu tamu hadi ukikumbuka unaanza kulamba vidole??

Mimi cjawai ?😂

Boy : Happy Valentine sweetie.
Girl : Thanks honey. Where’s my Valentine’s gift?
Boy : (Points out) Can you see that red BMW parked over
Girl : Oh my God! Yes! Yes! Yes! I can’t believe this.
Boy : I bought you a toothbrush of the same colour

Xhosa women with anger management issues.
Mlungisi : Babe, why kanti ama Panty awakho eshile ngaphambi?
Nojwarha : Khawutye impundu wethu uyeke iPanty etshileyo awuso sicima mlilo kaloku, sunduqhela kakbi rhaaaa😂😂😂😂😂

“Ngizokuthanda kuze kubuye uJesu.”

Nivele nihlukane 💔 kungakabuyi ngisho umalume oseGoli. 😐

Wabhodla 🤢 uSisi 👩🏻 wase-Ladies House 🏛 etekisini, 🚐 salindela ukuthi uzothi: “Excuse me.” 👏🏻 Wavele wathi: “Ncuz’ebhodlayo, ncuz’esuthi, ncuz’eKFC, ncaaa nkosh, ninenkingoooon?”

Sisale sibambe ongezansi. 🤔

Mhla kuyoshaywa laba bantu abasishutha izithombe zama-ID, ningitshele, ngiyoyeka konke engikwenzayo.

Umuntu amithe kodwa wazi kahle ukuthi indoda yakhe ihleshulelwa igwinya nge break eskoleni😂😂

Abocherry babizana ngo babe,love thina magents sihlulwa yin ngampela zithandwa zam🤔😂😂😂😂

Insangu Imnandi Uma Uzoyibhema Sakubasa Phansi 😁😻 Igcawele Indlu Yonke Intuthu 😁

Kunzima ukungabi nogogo othakathayo, abantu bavele bakudelele nje.