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Black Coffee unenhlanhla ngokuthola owesifazane oqotho futhi onobuntu, abanye ngabe kade basiphosta lesiya sandla. 🙄

Kwi-assembly next week:
Ntuli: “Culani zingane zami.”
Someone: “Khabaribe baba!”
Crowd: “Fire!”

Kwawa incwadi, sagoba sobabili sayicosha. Saphakama kwahlangana amehlo, ngamamatheka. 🙂 Wathi: “Usinekani?”
Ey, ngoba amantombazane izinja. 😥

Njengoba ufuna umshado nje, ungakhohlwa ukuthi lapho upheka ngisho usuthi. 😐

Abantu bakuhleba ngisho uzidlela i-Chappies, uzwe bathi: “Awubheke, akalenzi ibhamuza.

Uma wake wathunywa i-spoon ekhishini wafike wasisula ngeskibha, ngilandele. 🚶🏽 🚶🏽 ISilo samabandla sifuna ukukhuluma nawe mayelana nenhlonipho nokuziphatha

Ngisemcimbini womjita abamenzele umhlonyane kubo ngoba yena uphuza i-Brutal, Bernin neStrongBow.

Uskwiza wenu usengicele isamba sika-R30, kanti ngoneni ezweni? Angifi ngani okungcono? 😩

Hhayi bo! Nakhu ngifica umuntu okhulelwe estobhini, sesime sobabili manje sekungathi yimi-ke lo ogile lo mkhuba. 😐

Sizonifunza kanjani ama-strawberries 🍓 🍓 ngoba phela nina nidlela ukusutha?

Ngenkathi ngisasebenza e-zoo ngaxoshwa ngoba ngingalivalanga isango. Ibhadi lami.
I mean, ubani owayengantshontsha ibhubesi?

Most people who are still in unhealthy relationships are those who stay because of money, material or the kids.
Kids should understand that no one is perfect and you should be an example to your kids never to settle for less.. Never choose material or money over your own happiness.

Ladies most women don’t want your man… They want your HAPPINESS. And they get confused thinking what he does for you, he will do for them

If all he does is make you cry… My dear you are not dating a man… You are dating an onion… SHIYA LO VEG

A man with money can change a broke woman’s life…A woman with money wont even look at broke man