{You think You’re Ready for Relationship?}
Let me break this down for you, that sh*t ain’t all about being lovey dovey everyday and all, some painful sh*t gonna happen. Every relationship feels like the best thing ever in the beginning. All the spoiling, sweet messages, long phonecalls, happiness, spending a lot of time together and good sex.
Are you ready for the sleepless nights? Loosing weight? The insecurities? The jealousy? Falling out of love? Watching the spark in your relationship vanish? Being ignored? Not spending time like you used to? Being cheated on? Feeling like you are the only one putting effort in the relationship? The everyday fights? The painful words you are going to hear? Growing apart? Confusion? The rumours? The breakdowns? The stress? The moods? The 2min happiness, 7 days of tears?
If you are not ready for all of this Then you are not ready for a relationship Most people go in and out of relationships
because every time their relationships reach this point they cant handle the heat! Most couples blame people or point
fingers at each other for their failing relationships instead of sitting down and discussing what the problem is and how to fix it. How do you expect your relationship to work if you are not
trying to make it work?!
Most relationships go through this but all at different times and stages. If what you feel for each other is real y’all just going to have to pull through . Many couples give up on each other when their relationships reach this point, they are too lazy to try and make things work. Some be like “Love shouldn’t be this hard” Who said love
is all rosey and smooth
? That sh*t
is hard and painful.
To get to paradise you must pass through all the deserts, the forests, the rain and the thunderstorms. Nothing worth having ever comes easy!