True love is when you don’t need to care about how you look anymore.
”Some people will only ever see and appreciate physical beauty. But, there’s nothing more attractive than a beautiful heart and Continue Reading..
Your mother bore you For 9 months , She watched her feet Swell, she struggled to Climb stairs, She got Continue Reading..
The bad part of being lonely is that, you easily fall for the very first person, who shows you that Continue Reading..
I still get butterflies every time I see you, even though I have seen you so many times before.
Don’t make me your option, when I have made you my priority
Let the Lord be the centre of your life. Rest and trust in His favour, His wisdom, and His supply Continue Reading..
We are who we are, because of those we choose to love and because of those who love us. –Kate Continue Reading..
Excuse me, do you mind if I stare at you for a minute? I want to remember your face for Continue Reading..
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