Stupid conversations make sense when you are talking to someone special.
among all the periods in my life, I love the one you were in
Love is for two.Thats why most baby mama’s are single… so they can love their babies in peace
Tr: class, what do we call a person who makes all things right? Who still loves us even when we Continue Reading..
When a girl is in love, you can see it in her smile, When a guy is in love you Continue Reading..
Love is like the sun coming out from the clouds and warming your soul.
Whisper things to me while I’m falling asleep so your voice can be the last thing I hear.
Love is that ,which can never explained… Love is That Which can not see the Religious ,Caste ,Rich ,Poor in Continue Reading..
Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning.
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Bilal khan 8053920405
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Bilal khan 8053920405