Be the person you wish someone else would be for you. Get up early so you can go get your coffee from your favourite coffee shop on your way to work. Pick yourself back up when you fall down. Be soft and guide yourself out of the dark places you fall into within your mind. Stop waiting for someone else to come into your life before you start living it. Stop assuming that being single is a storm that you have to wait out until someone comes along to pull you out of it. Get to know yourself. Learn to enjoy spending time by yourself. Be so in love with the life you have made for yourself, so that when someone does come along, you’ll have no doubts about whether you’re in love with them or in love with the idea of not being alone. Because being alone won’t frighten you anymore. Because you’ll know that being alone will be better than being with the wrong person. Because you’ll have learned that being alone will help you choose the person who’s right for your heart. And after everything you’ve overcome, that’s what you deserve.”
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