1. You had a haircut and they ask
“Did you cut your hair??
“No, I dyed my hair colorless”
2. You standing right in front of the elevator on
the ground floor and they ask
“Are you going up??”
“No I’m waiting for my apartment to come get me”
3. You on the queue to buy tickets at the cinemas and a friend sees you and asks
“What are you doing here??”
“I’m here to pay my school fees”
4. When a friend calls you on your landline
they ask “Where are you??”
“I’m at the bus stop”
5. When it’s raining and one notices you are going out they ask
“Are you going out in this rain??”
“No Im going in the next one”
6. When people see you lying down with your eyes closed and they ask
“Are you sleeping??”
“No I’m trying to die”
7.Nxa usuqedile ukuhleka add more….