Did you know that people with Sinus can communicate with pigs
Dear Ladies. . . If your boyfriend doesn’t post you on social media, That means he is protecting someone’s Continue Reading..
Lebo:I love u. Tebza:Same Lebo:So why don’t u say it? Tebza:Because u will smile. Lebo:So? Tebza:You will show ur teeth Continue Reading..
You are busy commenting SEEN, while you have never even SEEN your father before. Damn Facebook idiots…
No horror movie can give you the feeling you get when you tap your pockets and don’t feel your phone”
SHE POSTED . “What can I do for your wall? . I WAS LIKE: . ” Buy cement, bricks and Continue Reading..
Winnie died at the age of 81 Mandela would be 100 years of age this year. My point is when Continue Reading..
Johnny was playing outside when he really had to go to the bathroom. He runs in and his grandma was Continue Reading..
Diarrhea is like Wi-Fi, when u approach the toilet the signal becomes stronger. Even before u unbutton your trouser, the Continue Reading..
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