Welcome to South Africa where :
1. Bathrooms have became photoshoot Studios.
2. Where young girls call old men enough to be
their fathers…”Baby,My Blesser,My Honey,My
3. Where Beer is more important than Water.
4. Where sex is free but Love is Costly.
5. Where crime and rape is high than Education.
6. Where people wear expensive clothes but their
Bedroom Doors,kitchen Units and Wardrobes are
falling apart.
7. Where nowadays Ladies fear for pregnancy
than Aids.
8. Where funerals turned into a platform for
fashion,style and parties.
9. Where young girls look forward to putting their
signatures on the Social Grants than Job
10. Where Pizza Deliveries are faster than an
Emergency Response.
11. Where buying a car is a great achievement
than buying a House.
12. Where loosing a phone is more painful than
loosing your Virginity.
13. Where Churchs are turning into Dating
14. Where Parliament is turned into Circus.
15. Where Pubs,Clubs and Taverns are more
important than School.
16. Where getting a Smart Phone is greater than
achieving a Degree.
17. Where Abortion Pains are a way painful than
period pains.
18. Where you kill an animal like Rhino you get a
Life Sentence in Prison,But when you Kill a
Human Being you get 6 years in prison.
19. Where beautiful girls are getting 100+Likes
on social networks everyday,but the Ugly ones
are getting degrees and getting married every